currently reading through crunchy cons, a book to which i'm finding i heartily relate. conservative christian who also owns a copy of the moosewood cookbook and shleps around in birks half the time and tevas the other, that's me.
on a completely different note - we've painted several rooms, replaced the bathroom floor, made countless trips to goodwill to donate our unwanteds, held a suprisingly lucrative garage sale, ordered carpet, filled a friend's garage with boxes holding most of what we won't need for a month or two, and are narrowing down our choices on which house to rent when we get to florida for a year or so while we look for a permanent home. phew! and there are still a ton of details to take care of, not the least of which is to get this house sold. we're tempted to be anxious about this, but are're welcome to join in. chad starts his new job on july 10th, and we're planning to pull out on the 4th for a long, long drive with the kiddos and all our earthly goods. again, prayer is most welcome!