I spent 4 years in Florida living in a rented house with a sandy yard and no clue how to garden in the tropics. Life moved along at a fast and busy clip..working, homeschooling, running a household, kids' activities, on and on..I would see books at the local libraries here and there - "Florida Gardening: The Newcomer's Survival Manual".."Home gardening "Florida style" : a guide for growing vegetables and herbs.." which would make me smile but I never got around to delving into finding out more on the subject. I did miss it though..planning in winter, shopping in early spring, working and watching things grow all summer, eating and sharing the harvest - there is nothing on God's green earth like biting into a slice of sun warmed Beefsteak tomato from one's own backyard.
Back in familiar territory but still not where I can put down roots (pun intended) I can't help but do what I can under the circumstances. Here's the list for the plan to be implemented later this month:
Order starts from Azure Standard..Corno Di Toro pepper, jalapeno pepper, Early Girl tomato, cherry tomato, Big Beef tomato; and some fish liquid fertilizer.
Pick up locally humus/manure, potting soil, pine mulch, tomato cages, 5 gallon buckets, a hose and a sprayer.
Looking very forward to having another go at this.
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